Tuesday, January 10, 2006

1, 2, 3 and 4

One of the guys I share an office with is selling girl scout cookies for his daughter. The second after he asked if I wanted any I was ready to put myself down for 30 boxes. What is it with those damn cookies that are so delectably irresistible? The Samoas are my absolute favs. You just can't find anything similar to those anywhere. Plus, of course they are the worst ones for you. Go figure. Mmmm so buttery & coconutty. aaarrrrgggllllallahhhh. They will not get here fast enough.


You know how when you try on clothes at the store and they look great on you there but when you get home not so much? It's because of trick mirrors. It's true. They're bent slightly which has the effect of elongating/thinning you out. Remember though, this has no effect on just plain bad taste. There's nothing to blame for that except yourself. Ahem, colored jeans, cough. ; )


I get to go to the Milwaukee area Friday morning for work. This being while the rest of the agency slumbers away the morning b/c it will be the day after our holiday party and they let you come in late (such a smart idea, why don't the rest of the companies out there that insist on weekday parties adopt this concept?) When you do eventually roll in, you grab some coffee, check you email, answer a couple calls then you get to go head home early too. Figures on the easy day I won't be here to enjoy it. I should get a make up day for the laziness on Tuesday (you'd think I meant Monday but we actually get that off to observe Martin Luther King Jr. Day, haha, so yes, I really did mean Tuesday). It's okay to be jealous.


The cashier lady at the place I bought lunch from today made me want to vomit before I had even ordered. She kept calling everyone sweetheart, honey & dear oozing with that sickly sweet tone. She flirted with the guys, batting her eyes, licking her lips which I could only assume to be seductively but really came off looking like she was trying to locate the crumbs from her fourth double fudge nut brownie that day. Trust me, she was noooo prize. About my age but just fugly. She'd ask you if you were "dining with her today." No way lady. I wonder how many other people's appetites she suppressed today (obvious not her own, like ever.)


Blogger Concert Josh said...

why does everyone make fun of my pants?

4:04 PM  
Blogger Elle said...

It smells funny in Milwaukee. I don't like it. Enjoy!

5:30 PM  
Blogger melmar said...

Paul keeps telling me that when I drive up there tomorrow not to stop at any rest areas or, for that matter, any where other then my final destination. It can't be b/c it smells funny so why?!

9:47 AM  

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