Wednesday, December 14, 2005

"When the Rest of the World is Over and Done"

Oh Bloomington. It's where I was yesterday all day on bizness. On my ride down, these are a few things that crossed my path.

1) The H.O.T. (House of Trucks)
2) What looked to me to be a dead body in the ditch. Judging by its form, it appeared to have already started to decay. No, I did not stop and poke at it with a stick.
3) Illinois State Corrections bus
4) "Avoid Hell - Repent - Trust Jesus Today" Billboard

Anyone else see a pattern there? Buy a truck, murder someone (perhaps a hitchhiker?), trip to the slammer, repent. hmmm.

If I'm ever convicted of a felony and was sent up the river, my maiden prison name would be "Mayonaise Queen." My married name would be "Tush Taster." What's yours?


Blogger Wendi O said...

I haven't got a clue where Bloomington is, but I never ever want to go there.


11:26 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"The Wanker"

is my name!!!

how quaint.

3:35 AM  

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