My first wedding dress. Yes, I bought 2. I bought this one first then fell in love with the second, which is what I actually wore. I have this up on
ebay listing # 8251372940. So if you're interested or know someone who is, forward it along to them. $475 and it includes the veil you see here. Please and thank you!
Funny story about this dress, another person is trying to sell the
exact same dress on ebay but is asking more then I know for damn skippy she didn't pay for it. Sad thing is, she is using some bullshit story about how her fiance was deployed to Iraq, she doesn't know when he'll be back so no point in her keeping her "dream dress" any longer especially if it could make someone else happy right now. She claims she spent $1200 on this dress and that she bought it from a "boutique" in her town, which is West Des Moine, Iowa. Do they even sell thousand dollar dresses in Iowa?? But not only is she willing to take a loss on her dress, she is willing to throw in the $40 special wedding dress keepsake box that you use for storage after you wear it at no additional charge! I call BULLSHIT.
The photos she posted with her in it at the store are so obviously taken at a DAVID'S BRIDAL. All these stores look the same all over the country. Its not a one of a kind "boutique" as she's trying to imply, its a cookie cutter chain. As for the price, she paid $600 plus tax, that is if it wasn't on sale. The damn dress is still on David's website listing for that price.
Her at David's ^^^^
Me at David's vvvvv
Anyhow, no one has bid on her dress and she has 2 days to go. I hope she eats it and never sells it. I do give her credit for trying, even though it wasn't much of a believable story, plus it just makes my dress seem like that much bigger of a bargin. I actually should be thanking her. Either way, at least with my dress I discounted it and included the stupid veil with it (and I don't think they sell it in white anymore). Wish me luck.
Also, the other part that bothers me about her story, if this was her ultimate dream dress and the wedding is only postponed until her fiance comes back, why would she sell it now and not later say when they split up or he doesn't come home? I know I wouldn't be that quick to sell my dream dress (which is the one I wore and I'm still not ever selling it).
I'll be in Milwaukee tomorrow, Friday the 13th, dum da da duum daaaa daaaaaH! So I'll blog about that lovely little trip next week....that is if I make it back.