Friday, September 09, 2005

Rated WTF

On the radio this AM I was half listening to a preview for some new movie coming out. Don't remember the name of it b/c once I heard what it was rated I didn't remember anything else after it. Actually, I don't even recall if it was a PG, PG13, PG13-17 but after 17 then its an R but if accompanied with an adult then its back to PG or NC So What. ANYWAYS, its what came after whatever useless rating they gave it (and I say useless b/c who pays attention to that and gets carded at the movies...oh wait, thats right, I DO) they followed it up with something I've never heard before and it went something like this "This movie contains one graphic reference to drugs." Just ONE people, not 2 not 5, just 1. Who is in charge of rating movies these days and since when did people become this compulsively protective? Made me sick. Ok I have to run into an emergency meeting now.....


Blogger Concert Josh said...

I wonder what they meant by 'graphic'?

10:29 AM  

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