Friday, April 08, 2005

Its not you, its us...

Damn striaght is what I wanted to say to the jackass company I am under employee with now.

Yesterday I had the joy of being told "we have to cut your hours." I am no longer to work Fridays except on a "need to" basis. Which they'll let me know of the day before and couldn't at least let me not come in today so I can drown my woes in beer at the Cubs game. Double damn. At least they didn't make my day off like on a Wednsday. Now that my friends, would have been met with a straight up "no I don't think so."

Due to loss of accounts (not my fault), lack of sales (again not my fault) and due to the ridiculous amounts of dough that they have to pay out in a lawsuit settlement (one they claim a judge ruled them innocent of all charges . Which if that was true, why are they being forced to pay anyone but their lawyers? Liars. They're all liars. But yet again, certainly not my fault.) are the reasons posed to me to explain my reduction of pay. Which I don't understand. Did they not realize their financial disarray 2 months ago when I had my excellent review and pitiful raise bestowed upon me?! This just solidifies their jackass management.

My days are numbered. I just hope that for once I get to be the one to say "this is isn't working out, I'm gonna let myself go. fuck you and have a shitty day." Something no one has been able to achieve yet. Please oh please let me be the one to it!!! Just give me this. And a new kick ass job that pays me lots of $$.

Ok I have to get ready so I can go sit in some boring staff meeting, hopefully my last. Good thing I just bought a condo....


Blogger Tequila Red said...

Want me to beat them up?

2:09 PM  

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