Monday, August 07, 2006

We Were Robbed!!!

If you can believe it. Just another bad thing to add to my list.

PE went down to get a newspaper at about 4:30am on Friday morning. He left our door resting open (just up against the door jam). He came back up and saw a guy with his hand on our doorknob closing our door shut. NO ONE DOES THIS IN our building, if you see a door open you leave it b/c they might be in the trash chute and you could lock them out of their house and YOU JUST DON'T TOUCH OTHER PEOPLE'S DOORS! PE asked him what he was doing and the guy backed away and repeated it back to Paul. Paul locked himself in the condo, checked on me who was drug sleeping upstairs (meaning I didn't hear a damn thing).

We didn’t notice anything missing until Saturday morning. In less then 5 minutes that it took PE to go downstairs and back up, the asshole stole my digital camera and the USB cable that was next to it, PE's Movado watch he bought on our honeymoon, his silver bracelet, his ipod and…his wedding ring. Best part is we KNOW who he is. PE saw him come out of a condo 2 doors down from us on the opposite side the next day. PE was at the elevator and the guy actually came up to him and confronted him “I don’t know what you think but it sounds like you were accusing me of something, I didn’t do anything, I was just closing your door which was wide open” (which it is too heavy and will never stay wide open lies lies lies why wouldn't you just say that the night of when asked what you were doing instead of backing away and not answering the question and acting guilty). PE just said whatever and tried his best not to punch the guy in the head.

Never seen him in the building before. He says he’s visiting his sister and that he’s a military cop on leave. We called the cops and one came Sat night but wouldn’t go up and search him (and the guy was home) b/c they said we didn’t actually see him come out of our place. All he did was take a report.

Well this morning that cop's sergant called us and came over with 3 other big cops to ask more questions and to search that place but the guy didn’t answer his door. Now all we can do now is watch for the owner of the condo (who we know and is a nice guy but we haven't seen in awhile) or the asshole robber guy and when we see him call the sergant and he’ll hopefully hurry over.

So much more detail to the story but I’m not typing it out. Yes Paul shouldn’t have had the door open but everyone does it there and no one has every had anything stolen nor should we have to worry about stuff like this in a secured condo building. The ex president of our association was proud and loud about the fact she never locked her door.

In the mean time we are telling all our neighbors. One said they have never locked their doors in 5 years but will be now. The other said he actually did see a guy wearing camouflage that matched our description who he had never seen before.

I'll report back whatever happens.


Blogger Tequila Red said...

SHIT! That sucks so bad, Mel.

2:16 PM  
Blogger State of Confusion (Steve #2) said...

"Yes Paul shouldn’t have had the door open but everyone does it there and no one has every had anything stolen nor should we have to worry about stuff like this in a secured condo building"

Door open or not, there is no excuse for stealing.

4:36 PM  
Blogger Buzz said...

OH man... Paul had a ton of restraint for not fucking him up the second time he saw him...

I don't know if I could have done that.

Thanks for the proposal advice.

11:15 AM  

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