Tuesday, June 13, 2006

What's Been Going On

German Fest is to Beer as I am to puking up Beer. Good times. There were pictures but anyone who posts them will die. Seriously will die a long tortured death.

One of my friends was manhandled and practically date raped by a guy who appeared to be a really nice guy on the surface. For her there really wasn't a "threat" per say, it was more merely entertaining to her to see how far this guy would go to resemble a horny inexperienced high school kid. "Yeah yeah, just a little longer, I'm almost finished." HUH? So not sexy.

I almost beat up a 45 year old lady on the el last Friday for invading my personal space. She would have deserved it and I can't believe I restrained myself. It had been a loooong week. She was sitting I was standing and she had the Tribune WIDE open leaning against my hand. This was a problem for 2 reasons 1) It is unacceptable to read the Trib wide open on a crowded el, fold that shit up 2) I can't stand having things touch me like that on the hand, it tickles and kind of itches (feels like bugs crawling on you). I politely asked her to just not rest it on my hand. Trust me, I know what some of you are thinking and it was polite and non-threatening. She wasn't having it and turned it into a big thing. We had words, I stood my ground literally, people turned to look, the lady sitting next to her chimed in and said just fold it up & I won. Turns out she got off at the same stop as me. I think she thought I was following her. If I ever see her again I'll rip her paper to shreds no questions asked.

EMT Class update: My Avg = 94% Class Avg = 91%
I'd be very careful about pissing me off and passing out around me now. I can shove tubes down your nose or mouth now....you know, for practice.

Also, I am in desperate need of a long vacation on a hot beach.


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