Monday, March 27, 2006

Rays of Light

It appears that both my office mates are out this whole week. So I have that going for me. Plus I found out last week that I get to move out of this room and into a new one. I'll be moving in with only 1 other office mate that happens to be a woman a little older then me and I like her. Plus I'll have more space and won't freeze my ass off every day. I guess my new roomie whispered in the ears of people who make things happen that my current situation was driving me nuts and just wouldn't work out and someone should do something about it. The timing couldn't have been more perfect b/c I was going to ask my manger this week if I could request a move. So voila!

As of this Thursday I will no longer: have someone staring at my back, no more snorting, wheezing, coughing, whistling (thru both nose & mouth) over my shoulder (and let me just drive the point home that when I say whistling & snorting I mean it's ALL THE TIME), I won't have to listen to emails muttered aloud, or comments about how fast, "happy" & often I type, listen to volunteered boring or disgusting info about personal life or the status of family digestive tracts, I will be able to put the mirror back up that I took down b/c anywhere I placed it on my 1 alloted space of wall happened to line up so he could see me in it and wave at me (yes, wave), listen in on my phone calls while at times butting in to the conversation and derailing it (usually with a client), I won't have to navigate around attempts at trying to pry into my private goings on and I no longer will I have to hold my breath while using excessive amounts of scented hand sanitizer to cover up weird smells violating my personal space nor will I have to field comments about how strong smelling said hand sanitizer is. To you, annoying office mate, I bid you farewell and good riddance.


Blogger Tequila Red said...

I like that picture of your eye. You're pretty.

Let's have birthday drinks on Saturday!

2:39 PM  

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