Monday, November 21, 2005


is one of the worst mags ever published. I just thumbed thru my first issue. Before I go on, let me just point out that it truly was for work related purposes, I did not purchase for my sole entertainment. It has your standard half naked chicks (which really are retouched guys. bigger boobs, slimmer thighs, you bet.) but other then that, nothing. Its all crap. Any articles they do showcase are little snippets of unentertaining drool. Here are a few features, if not the only features, that I was able to find in this particular issue. Of course, after weeding thru all the cell phone, cologne & video game ads and before I slammed it shut in complete disgust:

1) Some story on a dead whale and how it's not safe to bury it on the beach.
2) 7 day puking detox rehab in Thailand.
3) And this keychain -

In case you can't tell, its of a fetus that actually floats around in the womb. I'll wait while you go order yourself one......

At least Playboy has full nudity AND engaging articles.

I feel so much dumber for even touching this rag.


Blogger Wendi O said...

And can I have the article on proper purging techniques in Thailand pretty please?

2:18 PM  

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