Monday, October 24, 2005

It's Official

It's fall. When its rainy, leaves are sticking to your windshield and you can see your breath, its fall. I actually thought to myself today that I need to dig out a scarf & gloves. And last night driving home from IN, I swear there was sleet on the road.

Weekend highlights:
1) I was "invited" to the guys Friday night poker party. All was going pretty well until I spied Breakfast at Tiffanys on the shelf, cooed over it, the host of the party (a guy mind you) agreed that it IS an awesome movie (restraining from saying it was one of his favs in front of his poker buddies), immediately ejected Glen Glarry Glen Ross, ignored the groans of the men and allowed us to watch it in the living room. All was forgiven after I busted out the cheese, crackers & pepperoni I brought. Yeah, thats right, eat it bitches.

2) I went home to celebrate my brother's b-day. I had to buy 2 cards b/c I wasn't sure if this was his 40th or not. Bad sister! Whatever thats just how we all are in my fams. Turns out he's only 39. Either way I had it covered.

BUT the funny part was when I handed over my table pictures from the wedding. They pass them around and as they are doing so I realized I forgot to take out the one of Tequila Red. I don't say anything and hope that no one points it out and asks "whats this one of?" Well, needless to say it went thru my Mom, Brother and Aunt without anyone saying anything, until they reached my Dad. Yup, he pulls it out, turns it from side to side and asks "whats this one of? heehee! it looks like someone's butt" I look at it and say "gee, I'm not sure." I turn around and look at my Aunt and I see that she has that look on her face that oozes "oh, I KNOW what that one is but I just didn't say anything." But I just look back at her with a blank stare. I turn back around and say "it looks like maybe someone's legs, like the camera went off at a wrong time, kinda like it dropped or something." He continues to say "well maybe but I still thinks its someone's butt. giggle giggle. We should send it around to everyone and ask who this picture belongs to." I held back some serious laughter and said "yeah we should do that. Hey isn't this a great picture of Aunt Marjorie?!" heh.

3) Since I get my hair cut and hopefully colored tonight. I picked this out for color. Yes it's of Vida the big butt FHM model but I still like the color of her tresses (I cropped out the big butt part). We'll see what happens tonight. She may not have time to color my whole head so I may have to go back and get it done. Give me courage and wish me luck.

4) I found out that while my sissy was hammered at my wedding she was blubbering "I don't know why Melmar thinks she's so young. SHE'S 30. Thats not young anymore. She's old. She needs to stop saying she's young." Hmm ok sis. X-mas is right around the corner, you're my OLDER sis, I know what I'm getting you. Depends, Grannie panties, knitting needles and some Ensure. Merry X-mas. I AM NOT OLD DAMMIT!

5) My Dad, in so many words, implied I was fat. Or at least have gained since the wedding. So much for eating. I don't even like doing it. Besides, who needs to eat anyways?


Blogger Tequila Red said...

OH SHIT! I totally forgot about that! HA!

PS Do not EVER tell your Dad what that really was. Thanks.

1:27 PM  
Blogger Concert Josh said...

that was funny.

3:16 PM  

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