Friday, October 07, 2005

Love & Hate

Don't you love seeing an elderly couple walking arm in arm down the street smiling and chatting quietly amongst themselves? Where you can just tell they are still in love and have been married for a long, long time. It gives you hope that marriages really can last longer then aTara Reid Reality show.

Don't you hate it when people coast over in to your lane with the intention of changing lanes without looking, then when you give them the stink eye they honk at YOU? Then they purposely move one more lane over from you and drive extra slow so they won't end up next to you in traffic b/c they KNOW they were the jackass.

Don't you love that its acceptable to chop your jeans so that the length is just right for you and not some 5'10" model? And eliminating the need to pay $178 for a pair that actually are the right length?

Don't you hate having to work with people who make it no secret that they are the most miserable beings on this planet and nothing can ever be said or done to even remotely satisfy them in the least bit? Always negative about e v e r y t h i n g. They are the people that would find the bad in winning a million $ lottery (and I don't mean paying the taxes on it either).

Don't you love waking up on a weekday and realizing you have 2 more hours to sleep?

Don't you hate getting a package thats marked Fragile, in not 1 but 2 places, on red labels and it arrives like this:

As much as people say "don't be a hater," there are just some things you can't help but hate. And, as a matter of fact, don't you hate people that claim they just love everything/everyone, nothing ever bothers them and they are sunshine and smiles EVERY day? Yeah, me too. Haters.

P.S. Tequila, some of your mail was delivered to my house by accident. Don't worry, I'll fill it out for you and send it back right away so your service won't be interrupted. I know, you can thank me later.


Blogger Concert Josh said...

I love the new look melmar.

I hate that I haven't even tried to chang mine.

11:43 AM  
Blogger melmar said...

Awh, thanks! And to TR too b/c she said the same thing. Now she can get off my ass and on to yours...wait..nevermind. Anyways, I was bored last night. Glad you like it!

11:47 AM  
Blogger Tequila Red said...


2:06 PM  

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