Friday, October 14, 2005

Getting My Freak On

Its official! I have successfully recruited a handful of people to follow me to a haunted house this weekend. I know it’s a bit childish but sometimes that inner child bursts out. Besides good, clean, innocent fun never hurt anyone. But for the record, bad, dirty, not-so-innocent fun is planned for later in the evening.

Now I know the houses are never as good as you envision them, but the cheap thrills (some a result of the actors, others straight from your friends) are still worth it. It’s been years since I’ve been to one so I figured why not. Sometimes part of the fun of going to a house is listening to the people waiting in line or watching their reactions once inside. Some act like HHs are dumb, they claim they’re never scared yet once inside they are the ones that scream the loudest and still walk out mumbling “ppshhh, it wasn’t THAT scary.” Or you have the people that let 10 people behind them go first b/c they are still building up the courage to take that first step inside (like me).

Whatever your MO there’s something addicting about letting yourself be scared. Maybe it’s some sort of self release therapy, who knows, but at the end of it you just feel so invigorated, giggly & happy. Unless there’s clowns. Then I’m just scared, sweaty & angry.
Review on who wet their pants, exited early at the “emergency exit,” punched one of the actors or screamed like a girl to come Monday.

Something else that scares the crap outta me:


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