Wednesday, February 15, 2006

The Verdict

is..........IN. Surprise! Sorry to keep you waiting. She does look a little sick though. I'll give her that. I guess it has evolved into a big sinus infection that somehow invaded the work done on her tooth. She may be leaving early today. I say its a case of staying up late drinking wine with your husband "celebrating" Valentine's Day and being hung over. But thats just my opinion. Now don't get me wrong, she's a very kind, smart, funny person and I don't mind at all working with her. This is just her quirk. Everyone has at least one. Luckily her's isn't being a raving looney asshole (like I've worked with in the past).

Approx. 50 hours till I leave for Vegas and 54 hours till I'm IN Vegas. Be jealous.


Lately PE is having reoccuring nightmares about me leaving him for another man, specifically right before we are to be married. He's trying to figure out why but the fact is dreams are such enigmas. Are they your subconscious telling you something about yourself that you are afraid to admit or confront consciously? Are they just re-enactments of past events with add ons? Are they a coping mechanism trying to prepare you for something, possibly something inevitable? Are they premonitions of things to come? Or are they just complete bullshit jibberish so don't bother analyzing or weeding thru them for symbolisms and true meaning? I mean I dreamt I had a penis before. Does that mean I want one? Sorry but no. Does it mean I've had one in the past? haha NO. Does it mean I am scared of them. No (well maybe those foot longers.) Does it mean I will grow one? No. Does it mean I like to play with them? Yes.

But you see dreams are impossible to interpret let alone address with standardized meanings. Two people could dream about the exact same thing but both will be interpretted differently by others and even themselves. Even if a skilled professional can come up with what appears to be a logical explanation of support for their interpretation, who knows if it's even right? The person having the dream? I don't think so. Which, can we even use the term "right" when addressing dreams? Again, I don't think so. Anyone can only speculate at best about its meaning or if there really even is a deep rooted one. There just isn't any real scientific proof that a dream HAS to represent something let alone be a "right" represenatation. For all we know it could just be our minds making up movies for our subconscious' mere entertainment casting ourselves as the characters while our bodies rest with absolutely no meaning attached to it. Some are scary movies, others adventurous, amorous etc. Just like the boob tube we watch during our waking hours.

Who knows. What I do know is I'm not leaving him, there isn't another man and I love him dearly. BUT if it did happen I'd get the condo. After all the wife, in most cases, is awarded the homestead, suckah, especially after I prove you neglected me for internet chat rooms, poker & porn. So don't bother going all War of the Roses on me. ; )

P.S. Dear, here's your Valentine's Day shout out that you were so disappointed in not seeing posted on here yesterday. TILL DEATH US DO PART, remember? Now stop having those stupid dreams. Love you!

P.P.S That all sounds like I've been smoking some killer weed today, doesn't it? Hmm. Just say no....


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