Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Reasons My Manager Habitually Comes In Late, Leaves Early Or Just Doesn't Come In at All

Compiled over the mere 7 months I've been here, are almost always taken on Mondays and occasionally on Fridays and list is just about in order as the excuses came (sick times sprinkled within).

1. Alarm didn't go off. (late)

2. Power went out. (late)

3. Have to go to court for her dead mother's estate hearing and/or court ran over, court didn't finish business have to come back, need to get additional paperwork (this one was recycled many times to come late, leave early or not in at all).

4. Brother came to town unexpectedly so have to take care of (late. rumor has it apparently he's a loser but I have no insight as to why or how. this one was used twice.)

5. Aunt came into town and is staying with me. (late)

6. Have to take Aunt to airport. (late)

7. Water heater broke guy is coming to fix. (late)

8. Driving HS kid to school. (late)

9. Picking HS kid up from school, different day. (early)

10. Taking kid to ballet. (early)

11. At PTO board meeting. (late)

12. PTO board meeting ran late. (late)

13. Get to meet HS Priniciple after PTO board meeting. (late)

14. Preparing for a dinner party for guests. (early. multiple occasions.)

15. Stuck in traffic. (late)

16. Road construction near house. (late)

17. Got a flat tire b/c of road construction. (late)

18. Have to get flat tire fixed. (late)

19. B/c was so late coming in parking garage is full so have to wait for a spot to open. (late)

20. Was rear ended by an illegal immigrant who didn't speak english and was driving someone elses car. (really late. this may be legit but #21 I don't believe.)

21. Over the next 2 weeks after car accident took 2 days off and another 2 days to come in late. Insurance papers, police department visit, car estimates, court?? Whatever.

22. Picking car up from shop. (early)

23. Have a fever. (no show)

24. Just don't feel well. (LOTS of lates and a handful of no shows)

25. Didn't feel well so just slept in to make self better. (late)

26. No reason but just slept in. (late)

27. Husband's business associate died, going to wake (very late. This notice was given to me the morning she was going. Like she wouldn't have known days in advance that the wake would be then.)

28. Can you guess this one, going to the funeral. (late. Again got this one the day of and she said she didn't know about it.)

29. Slow day so just gonna leave early. (early)

And the latest and greatest:

30. Dentist appointment (I got this notice a day in advance that she would have left early but then #31 happened.)

31. Day of the dentist appt I got a call in the AM saying she lost a filling and was in pain. Luckily she had her appt so she would just take care of it then. But she would not be coming in at all that day now. Next day she came in late (which was yesterday) and was 100% fine but also left early to go finish the dental work (huh??). Lead in to #32...

32. Feeling very sick now, very painful, face all swollen, in extreme pain, have to go back to doctor, in so much pain NOT COMING IN (Valentine's Day), but I can reach her at home or on her cell. Did you get that she was in excruciating pain? Yet for someone to mention the pain so many times you didn't hear it in her voice AT ALL. She called in later at 4,when she knew I was in a meeting, to leave a message that she was just checking in, that she was in so much pain that she's just doing things to keep her mind off it like calling me, the pain is just so overwhelming, she should see me tomorrow but the pain is so bad, hope my day went well and have a great night! All said in a cheery, unwavering voice with some laughter here and there. Uhm,didn't she go to the doctor, didn't the doctor give her something to at minimum dull the pain? She didn't say she wasn't coming in tomorrow but how much do you want to bet that when I get in there tomorrow I have another voice message saying she won't be coming in??

A) This woman appears to be so sick all the time with a wide variety of ailments you'd think she'd be dead by now. Especailly since she NEVER GOES TO THE DOCTOR.

B) I've had multiple old fillings drilled out and replaced in one sitting that took only an hour to do! How the hell can 1 filling that fell out take 3 days to fix? And what kind of dentist is working on you that they fucked up so bad it makes your face swell and causes you such extreme pain?

C) Usually when someone calls in sick or is late coming in, someone emails the whole team the news as an fyi. I did this on 2 occasions for my manager. I thought I was doing what I'm supposed to do, right? Wrong. the next time she called in for whatever reason she casually ended it with "oh and you don't have to send an email around. I've already called XXX (her manager) and let her know. So its really not necessary...ever." Now why do you think this is....

In any case, as much as this is an inconvienance to me, on many occasions it also has its benefits. I myself get to slide by coming in late. Its always a debate if I should put the courtesy call in to let her know. You see chances are she's leaving me the same message, so if I don't leave mine odds are she'll never know I came in late. Note: late for me is 9:15, late for her is 10 or 11. So if I need to come in late, leave early or not come in she really can't say anything about it and she has been very accomodating of this. But I don't take advantage of this as much as I probably could get away with. I would just feel too guilty, not to mention it probably would eventually lead to my dismissal.

Stay tuned to see if she makes it in tomorrow or not....


Blogger Concert Josh said...


9:41 AM  
Blogger Tequila Red said...


Imagine the IT guy sending an email TO THE ENTIRE OFFICE telling us he's having problems sleeping so he'll be in later, please call him at home if you need anything.


10:45 AM  
Blogger Elle said...

WTF? This lady is either a) crazy, b) a hypochondriac, c) a crack head. Take your pick.

12:30 PM  

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