Monday, November 28, 2005


Hope everyone's holiday was satisfying & safe. Ours was the standard family food gathering. Good eats and plenty of shots. Everyone ended up stuffed, sassy & sleepy. I'm very thankful for my family, dear husband and of course, for our crazy cast of friends! Oh yeah, and my cat.

I also want to take some time on my blog to apologize to PE for not waking him up earlier this morning. I'm sorry. I will try to be a better human alarm clock so you can keep your job. Hope you didn't get fired today! To my credit though, I did make sure you had clean underwear and socks to wear today.

Other news this weekend, I crossed off a chunk of things on my to do list, bought & put up x-mas decos, crocked a mean ass chili and slept (when I really should have been getting my car fixed.) Plus we finally have cable now. We wanted Dish but its such a process to get it cleared thru the association, paperwork etc etc that we just gave in to cable. I've never been a fan of cable b/c it seems that if the guy next door farts your cable usually goes out. I never had any probs with Dish. But I gotta say, so far, cable is proving to really be comcastic. We spent a lot of time ODing (On Demanding) all the shows we've missed. Like Deadwood, Curb Your Enthusiasm, Sex & City (well at least I did) & Real World (sad to say). Now all we need is to set up our Tivo. The other thing we give thanks for, the dumb box.

The only other thing that I have energy to type about now is about a news story I heard on the radio today. I only caught the very end but some kid was recently hit by a car and killed. The driver of the car apparently was text messaging when he hit the kid. Point is no one should be texting while driving b/c you're just not paying attention. But what irked me is that the radio host wrapped it up with such a sad, this never should have happend voice but then the show went right into a happy loud commercial promoting one of their holiday radio parties "The Breast X-Mas Party Ever." "You'll leave with happy mammories...erh..memories." So much for the dead kid.


Blogger melmar said...

Oh yes, the neighbors. The same ones with the annoying yappy poodle dogs. Saturday night or more accurately Sunday morning, at 4:30am they came rolling home hammered with about what sounded like 20 of their college friends. The sounds of them ignorantly yelling, laughing and flat out full on racing up and down the hallways woke me up out of a sound sleep. This continued for about 15 minutes. Literally just hanging out in the hallway yelling from the elevator to their door talking about "ohh I have to sleep, I have to go to work in an hour. hee hee hee." Finally it silenced BUT then I couldn't fall back asleep. What do you do at 5am on a Sunday?! Well first we waited about a half hour then went upstairs to the bedroom and banged on the wall a little. Waited a bit then did it again. I rented a crappy movie about this enagaged couple who decided to sleep with other people before the wedding. Then banged a little more and eventually fell asleep. But when I got up I made sure to bang a little more. I hope they were hung over and praying that the banging stop. Assholes. Seriously, some shit it gonna hit the fan if they don't learn to respect their fucking neighbors. Their daddy won't be too happy with them if they keep it up. (daddy bought them the condo while they go to school).

11:46 AM  
Blogger Concert Josh said...

I bet your asshole neighbor's don't even hold a candle to my asshat neighbor's. No way.

11:46 AM  

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