Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Just Wednesday

Again I was late making it in to work. I really need to not do that anymore. Lucky for me my boss is out for the week and I look cute today. Down side is that I have nothing to eat and I'm starving. Closest spot to grab something palatable, and also something I shouldn't be eating anyway, is 1 hallway, 19 floors, 1 stop light and a half block away. Plus I'd have to put my coat on. But I think this hunger pain is gonna win out. I just hope I don't run into anyone I know sneaking out or on the elevator back up. Because then it looks like I'm just coming in at that moment, they don't know I was here earlier (late but earlier then whatever time it will be when I get back from my food run). I mean I normally can get by on a shitty cup of coffee till lunch but I don't think thats gonna suffice today.

Here's another thing, someone anonymously left a baggy of cookies in the kitchenette yesterday. It had a note describing what they were. Choco chip, coconut, dried cherry something or others. I tried one. I spit it out. I mean if it tasted like shit at home, its still gonna taste like shit at the office. Please don't pawn your crappy baked *goods* off to poor unsuspecting co-workers. Its just not fair and such a let down.

Ok, I think I'm gonna make a break for it.

During my escape this: will be playing in my head. (yes I know you can make a link and I tried it and its not working so just fing click on it.)


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