Tuesday, February 20, 2007

How It's Done In Chicago

Monday the agency was closed b/c of President's Day (yes we get that off here). So I decided to run some long over due errands like take my 6 watches in to get new batteries (yes 6). Well I drive all the way out to this guy we used back in our old neighborhood. I scored a spot off the busy main street to park right next to the building. I walk over only to find out the guy is closed. curses! But double curses when I get back to my car. For those of you thinking towed, nope, the spot was ligit. Turns out my car was stuck in the snow.

The warmest day we've had in a long time where the snow is actually melting yet I still get stuck in it. I try several times to rock my way out of it but the car wasn't budging (RWD). Luckily we have a small shovel in the trunk so I try shoveling some but still no. I walk across to CVS and buy some kitty litter. I just poured some out, which didn't work mind you, when this guy appeared out of no where and asked if I wanted some help. Me "actually yes, please." He takes the shovel and starts madly shoveling away for me. His newspaper drops, I go to pick it up and he roughly says "no, no. I got it." and continues shoveling. I thank him, smile and tell him I really appreciate his help and he says nothing. Finally he says try it now. I get in, gas it and it moves but not all the way out. He shovels some more, I gas it again, it doesn't move. So now he starts pushing the car and wham! Out I pop. I stop, get out to get the shovel and to thank him again and he just kind of shrugs, doesn't say anything and walks away. I'm still stunned that this guy helped me. Selfless acts of kindness these days are definitely few and far bewteen. I think this story has "Craigs List" written all over it.

P.S. the guy who hit my sister's car and took off while she was waiting to pick me up at the airport last time has been caught. another friggin rarity. what's going on here, I'm not used to all this!!!!????


Blogger Concert Josh said...

he must have seen your internet pictures ;)

4:05 PM  

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