Monday, March 14, 2005

Booze, Pills, Tiny & Tacos

Things that should not all happen in 1 night.

Friday night was tame (Hi Fredbeck!) and so was the first half of Saturday night but after that its all a haze. Sat started out innocently enough, met some friends at a crappy local Irish Bar, eat some grub have a few drinks and was supposed to go home. Well those plans severely changed, when a friend gave me a pill that was supposed to help me NOT get a hangover. Which would have been fine except it was a double dose and we didn't go right home. So to the Tiny we all went.

Sad to say, really, I can't even tell you what happened here. I can tell you that the next morning I found in my coat a crumpled napkin with a note on it to tell a certain bartender to ask a certain redhead out. I was informed that I intercepted that note like it was the code to launch a nuclear war on Russia (you owe me). Scary. I had some embarressing brown dribble marks down the front of my white tank (can only assume that its from 1 of the 3 chocolate martini's I demanded I must have b/c I was just sooo thirsty) and AND I broke my BITCH ring that I made at the Martha Stewart party, don't know how but its gone forever.

Next, apparently I wouldn't shut up about how hungry I was and insisted we make our way to the Burrito House. I don't even remember going but I'm sure there are people there that remember me! And to top the night off, fiance tells me I fell going up our stairs at home. That would explain the 3 new bruises I have and sore neck. I didn't touch the tacos, instead I slipped into a coma.

Sunday I spent morphing into my couch while my body screamed WTF did you do to me last night. Mind you, I was not hung over just sore. End of weekend. Thank Gawd.


Blogger Tequila Red said...

Ohmygod, I OWE YOU MORE THAN ONE. Mel, I love you. No really, I do. I'm very sad about your Bitch ring, too; we'll have to make a new one. Thank you thank you THANK YOU for the pride-saving interception. Although ... who gets the smack? Who was the pushy party? Hmm?

2:13 PM  

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