Monday, March 12, 2007

Not A Damn Thing

Is what I did this weekend. Yeah I washed the sheets and took a shower but really that was it.

I did, however, book a trip to visit Nat in VA next month. I was there about the same time last year. Remember:


Now the reason myself and 2 other girlfriends are making this trip out there is b/c Nat practically begged us to come all last week. "Oh air fare is cheap, I miss you guys" blah diddly blah. So us being the good friends we are, we did.

The kicker is, now that she knows we are all booked she drops not 1 but 2 bombs on us. One is that they have been trying to sell their house for a long time now. They had an open house last weekend and their realtor thinks they may get an offer. Meaning we could have no house to stay at now or a new one where we would be roped into helping them either move or unpack or both. None of which sounds like any fun to me. I think we were swindled. And if so, good job Nat but good luck getting us to actually work. I'm not the type to feel guilty for saying, "nah, I think I'll just have another beer instead of moving those books." It won't be one of those, "well I guess since we're out here anyway..." dealios.

Bomb 2 is she oh so conveniently just found out that one of her friends is having her bachelorette party that Saturday. So she asks that since we'd be going out Sat anyway, can we just go to this party. And if we don't have any fun we can leave (yeah right, you know how that goes. We have no fun and want to leave and then we look like the big assholes.)

So not only do we have a party to go to it apparently is going to be like what I can only describe right now as a very conservative knitting club. And I quote Miss Nat, “She’s older, she’s in between, over the whole obnoxious thing, she won’t like it if you are obnoxious.” Sorry gals but this party sounds like a real snooze. I think their idea of a wild fun party is having TWO kinds of red wine.

None the less, we're still going. We'll make our own fun (scaring Nat all the while giving her that headache she said we give her when we drink and prob cause her to be ostracized from her snooty society club all together).

I can't help it but this scene is screaming for us to recreate it:

I think she is regreting asking us all to come out at the same time. With this bunch, I would too.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

LOL!!! NICE PICTURES!!! Okay, #1, I would NOT have you come out here to help me move, unpack, do any manual labor of ANY kind (except maybe hold my hair while I'm puking)and #2 I DID just find out about the bachelorette party...truly, it's me who can't stand you all when you're drunk and obnoxious! I remember last year! LOVE YOU!

3:16 PM  

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